Qualified Personnel Support

Outsourcing has been a fast-growing industry, especially in the United States, serving approximately 30% of its market share. It is observed that the demands have started to increase rapidly with the new popularity in Turkey. Outsource; Whether the companies are professional or not, it is to receive service from a specialist company with the rental model, not within its own body.
A lot of research has been done about outsourcing and the advantages it brings to the Public and Organizations are as follows:
If you want to focus on your own business but take advantage of the developing technologies in a timely manner,
If the circulation of qualified personnel, which is common in the IT sector, creates a problem for your company,
Changes in the markets create periodic opportunities for your company and if you want to take advantage of these opportunities without increasing your fixed costs,
It needs highly qualified personnel; however, if the cost of employing such a workforce full-time seems high to your firm,
If you are a company with a project-based work intensity and you want to finalize medium-term projects without changing fixed costs,
If the low number of employees registered in the payroll is an important performance criterion for your company,
Economic conditions and market uncertainties prevent you from making long-term plans and therefore you have become afraid to invest in manpower,
Ekon A.S. Our way of working as;
First of all, to determine the needs of our customers through face-to-face sessions,
To determine the most suitable personnel to meet your needs from the database,
Giving the final choice right to the customer by presenting the Short List to your company,
And matching our customer with the determined personnel,
Fulfilling the candidate's start of employment and all other legal transactions on the stipulated date,
In case the personnel leaves the job for any reason, to place another specialist with the same qualifications as soon as possible.
Ekon A.S. constitute the working process.
Your advantages:
Time control is under your management.
Your cost is limited by the duration of the task or project.
Extensive experience and knowledge are at your company's disposal for a certain period of time.
Successes in various sectors and organizations are with you.
Added value is created from a different perspective.