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Data Classification

It has an integral role for data leakage prevention projects. In fact, software, beyond being a product, has a great importance in increasing the information security awareness of the institution and employees. While data leakage prevention software ensures the protection and detection of sensitive data within the framework of the policies determined by the institution, thanks to data classification solutions; related files/documents have data sensitivity stamps as soon as they are created. In this way, the purpose of use is determined as soon as the data is created, and the limits of use inside or outside the institution are drawn.


Providing risk reduction at the point of "Determining Personal Data Security Policies and Procedures" under the heading "Administrative Measures Regarding Personal Data Security" in the data security guide published by the Personal Data Protection Authority within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law No. Addressing the risk in the organization is an important process. At the point of scaling the risk, “providing privacy levels”, which is specified as the data life cycle, is provided with  data classification solutions.


 Also, Personal Data Processing Inventory according to the Personal Data Processing Inventory Preparation guidelines   “Personal data processing activities performed by data controllers depending on their business processes; Personal data processing purposes, the data category, the transferred recipient group and the data subject group, and the inventory they detail by explaining the maximum time required for the purposes for which personal data is processed, the personal data to be transferred to foreign countries and the measures taken regarding data security”.


Data classification products not only enable the preparation of this data inventory, but also enable or prevent its processing according to its category, recipient and content, exactly as specified by the legislation, thanks to their integration with data leakage prevention solutions.


​Mustafa Kemal Mahallesi
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A-Block No:5,

0312 481 5510

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